Disney Freaky Friday 2018 Full Movie 123movies

Freaky Friday (TV Movie 2018) Poster

5 /10

The fourth incarnation

In this fourth remake of one of the Magic Kingdom's enduring classics Freaky Friday it was decided to make this one a musical a la High School Musical. If in any way popular we'll see some sequels from Disney Studios.

The previous three mother and daughter soul exchange duos were Barbara Harris and Jodie Foster in 1976, Shelley Long and Gaby Hofmann in 1993 and Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan in 2003. I guess all there was left to do was give it a musical score.

The thing that caused the switch was an enchanted hourglass where the right words were uttered with these consequences. Mother and daughter exchanged bodies and worlds. In this one mom is also getting remarried the next day.

Disney Studios opted for all new players I'm guessing as unknown to you as they were to me. Some future Disney teen idols I'm sure were created.

The acting and singing of Heidi Blickenstaff as mom and Cozi Zuehlsdorff as daughter is easy to take as the rest of the film and score. Entertaining it is.

I say this though, back in the old days nobody would have used original names like Blickenstaff and Zuehlsdorff in a film. It sure ain't old Hollywood.

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4 /10

competent at best

Katherine and Ellie Blake are a bickering mother and daughter pair. They don't get each other and then a magic hourglass switches their bodies. Katherine has to be the teenage Ellie as she prepared for a scavenger hunt. Ellie has to prepare for Katherine's wedding to Mike Harper and to promote her party planning company.

Disney is doing Freaky Friday again. I don't recognize any of these actors other than Alex Désert. It shocked me somewhat when it quickly becomes a musical. I didn't know that. While the lead actresses are not familiar, they are skilled enough. There are a couple of cringe-worthy moments which ultimately sinks this B-level reproduction. The sing-songs are Broadway-like. It's not an A-list production but it is done competently.

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1 /10


That was so bad. Turned off after first 12 minutes. I don't know why but I felt humiliated. It was so cringe,actors looked so disappointing. I'm paying tribute to everyone who dared to watch this piece of s**t till the end.

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4 /10

High School Musical: Mother Daughter Swap Hop

Decent watch, probably won't watch again, and can't recommend unless you just wanted a "body swap" musical.

While the musical part of the musical is fun and well performed, I didn't realize I was going to watch a musical unless (basically) seconds before I clicked play. I was wondering why Disney rebooted this title, but it's clear that this is it's own thing that happens to share the title because it's under the same company.

The "magical" hourglass, though an awkward prop, is a much better magic medium than a "cookie", and "The Hunt" is a good enough of an idea that they could have made a entire movie based on that, without anything else and it has potential to be a best seller. I also liked that they developed a lot of the supporting actors and antagonist in this version.

However sometimes they do that because the main characters are weak and they need to compensate. Part of it the way they're written, and it's not like these are bad actors, but they're low level actors that probably were selected based on contracts and musical experience, and I'll be honest: I didn't care for most of the acting in this.

Having just watch the 2003 version, I just don't think this holds up.

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2 /10

What a shame

Wow Disney Channel has done it yet again lady's and gentlemen. seems like Disney Channel movies are just destined to be garbage now because the quality of the films are just dropped drastically. some are down right insulting and some are just stupid, boring, or steals from previous movies or installments and this film is no different. (Keep in mind I have not seen a lot of Disney channel originals in the past like Halloween town so it is not Nostalgia hate). Disney needs to reconsider how they do movies for the Disney Channel cause at this rate the channel will just become a lump of garbage and thats just the feature.

Almost Forgot the singing should not be in a film like this because it just pads the movie's garbage plot and wrecks my ears.

After the movie I came to the realization that they were kinda ripping off a bad movie called Nerve on top of all the garbage.

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7 /10

Musically perfect

So, I liked idea of do another remake, but this time be a musical (cause I really love musical), and the songs are very good with funny choreography, although I think that I couldn't feeling a real relationship of mom and daughter and they not convences the change of body, but I just ignored that and enjoyed the movie, that is different than original and have another interesting new events.

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2 /10

Bad acting, corny film

I was excited to hear about the remake but i could barely get through the first half hour. The acting was the worst I've seen. Not a fan of the casting choices. No one sang good either. Not sure if it was a problem with direct tv or not, but the synching was not matched up with the voices to their lips. It was way off. The original was a million times better. This was awful. Just embarrassingly awful.

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2 /10


I thought the changes were bad before she started singing. I mean...a musical? Omfg NOOO! The Lohan and Curtis had singing but it wasn't all Broadway...it was rock! It was GOOD music and only two songs. They are even mumbling not trying to lip sing with conviction like they care. And this girl was mean immediately to her brother and step father who both did nothing wrong, when in the other the brother was AWFUL, but she grew to understand him after realizing he worshiped her. She grew to love the dad because her mom did. This girl is down right stuck up and entitled. There was an important rock show not some stupid hunt thing that mocks the nerve. Ugh this is a crime. Also how do you not notice pink glowing while you're singing like banchees? The fortune cookies make more sense.

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1 /10

Waste of time!

The previous one was the best they didn't had to make another one and as musical ruined it more. I just had to skip all the time when they start sing.

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6 /10

Better than I expected

It's not exactly an Academy award winning show, but it's entertaining. The two leads were pretty good and I liked the songs. I caught it on Disney+ and it was a suggestion after I watched the original freaky Friday. I didn't even know it was a musical until six minutes into it. But I'm glad I watched it

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1 /10


I tend to keep Disney on while I sit on my laptop emailing home or looking up stuff. It's a white noise and depending on what show is on, it can be more bearable or less bearable at times. In this case, it was completely unbearable. I had seen the commercials for a while and didn't think much of it. Oh look, another stimulating remake for the 3rd time. Nowhere did any commercial warn me that it was a hideous musical. Once the songs started, I pretty much flipped out and turned the volume all the way down. Atrocious, obnoxious songs, off key vocals, as well as insanely repetitive lyrics. Complete fail. I'm surprised this movie has more than a 2/10 on here.

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2 /10

Comically Awful

'Freaky Friday' is awful in every way, a complete embarrassment to its namesake. The daughter character has no redeeming characteristics -- she is lazy, dirty, socially handicapped, and is completely devoid of empathy. She treats everyone around her like they are sub-human. They took the teenager trope way too far and created a character the audience could never root for, and it is not believable that the other characters like her.

The mother character also makes no sense. No adult would have such a flawed memory as to go into high school so naive, starry eyed, and earnest. She also seemed to lose her ability to take social cues when she switched bodies. I'm not sure if the writers themselves have ever been to high school. I also do not understand why the writers thought it was a good idea to give her a crush on a 14 year old boy.

The songs are exclusively terrible and so long it becomes awkward, honestly not sure why it was a made a musical. There's no reason to say anything more than that, the musical segments have to be seen to for one to really understand how abhorrent they are.

So, why did I give this movie a 2 instead of a 1? All the problems I listed above combine for a special kind of awful. This movie is hilarious, from the bad lip syncing and singing down to the irrational and suspension of disbelief shattering level of unrealistic behavior the characters exhibit. At around a 70 minute runtime it is the perfect movie to watch when you're bored and looking for a laugh.

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1 /10

This is a terrible movie.

I can't stand the music in this film. It's bleeding my ears so hard! Why is the main character's hair short in this movie? The 1976 and 2003 versions have the main characters having long hair. The acting is terrible. Everything about this movie is just terrible.

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1 /10

Just awful!

This is awful and I wish it was never made. The acting, music and script are horrible! Please avoid

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8 /10


I'm giving this a 8/10 because it's good for the new generation. I have seen the 2003 version but I wasn't born when that movie came out. I know lots of other people are gonna disagree with my rating and that's ok but plz don't be rude about it. I enjoyed the concept of this movie and thought it was really good. I can grow up with this movie same as what other people did with the 2003 version. I do think the 2003 version was good but I did like this one better because I love musicals. The thing is though, the movie was good but the soundtrack was horrible. I gave it 8/10 for the movie and didn't do 2 points because of the soundtrack. The songs were complete trash. The only song that was really ok is 'At last it's me' but all the other songs were pretty bad.

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2 /10

Bad, Bad and More Bad

Warning: Spoilers

Why Music. Seriously Disney screw up. he Movie is horrible. The freaky Friday from 2003 is really good. Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis are perfect duo. Disney wanted to do it again but made a disaster. The Hunt or the whatever is a stupid element to replace the band. Just terrible

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9 /10

A thoroughly enjoyable Disney Channel film!

Warning: Spoilers

Having read the reviews here, I have to wonder if these people saw the same film I did. The premise is simple: a mother and daughter can't stand each other, so fate intervenes and forces them to switch bodies for a day. Yes the premise has been done before, but this cast pulls it off well, showing a depth to the mom and daughter characters that I didn't expect.

The music is really good, and the particulars of this version of the premise (a teenage scavenger hunt and a mother catering her own wedding) are original. No it won't win any Oscars. Yes it will give you a solidly entertaining two hours. (And yes I saw the first two Freaky Friday films. Both are wonderful too. So what?)

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2 /10

Well...it's certainly different

Warning: Spoilers

When I saw this being advertised, I thought "oh great, another Disney remake that changes JUST ENOUGH to 'justify it's existence' but is really just a cash grab." You know, like all the live action remakes of recent years. It's also not like 2003 one was THAT long ago, and in my opinion is the more timeless version, given that the 1976 version has electric type writers and overall feels "very 70s." But since it's a TV movie that's included with my cable subscription, I figured "why not?"

First off, I wasn't expecting a musical. It's kind of funny, the recording in my DVR was from a "Disney Channel sing along marathon," and when I saw lyrics popping up on screen, I was really confused, and then...musical. Well...that's certainly different than the other adaptations. The songs aren't good, or memorable, and I don't think are going to pop up on Disney karaoke games or compilations any time soon, but they definitely differentiate this from the 2003 version.

It also takes a really dark turn about halfway through. Yes, the mom is remarrying just like in the 2003 version, and a teenager trying to navigate a pending wedding is one of the conflicts, but this time the daughter is still mourning her dad and at times feels like she's actively trying to sabotage the wedding (maybe she is, I couldn't tell if it was accidental or intentional). There's also the mom reliving high school. Yeah, there's the expected "applying adult logic and reason to teenage immaturity" conflict, which is primarily seen by constantly trying to be friendly to the mean girl queen bee antagonist only to be kicked aside every time, but then it takes this dark turn where the daughter's friends point out how she's being a bad friend to them by constantly putting the mean girl above them and how they get hurt as well when the mean girl kicks mom-daughter down. And it's not like they're exaggerating, they do get social and some physical distress from mom-daughter's antics. That's...a unique take on this body swap story.

And now for some things that are...very poorly handled. There's this one "comedic scene" where it's a parent teacher conference, where the daughter is in serious academic trouble from cutting class and skipping tests, and it's all because she is having emotional problems due to still mourning her dad. And it's not like this came out of nowhere, they build up that she has emotional problems and her mom isn't providing the support she needs, and this is sort of the climax of this serious character arc. Buuuutttt, the scene is directed to be comedic. We're supposed to laugh because "mom is in daughter's body and is treating this like a parent would, and daughter is in mom's body and is treating this like the child in trouble would, hu-yuk, that's not how it's supposed to happen." There's also the fact that there's a teenage love interest, or at least that's how it comes off as. The way the scenes between mom-daughter and the teenage boy the daughter has a crush on are directed like mom-daughter is the one with the crush, and not daughter-mom. The 2003 one handled it much better, where 16 year old Anna was interested in an 18/19 year old man (2-3 year age gap, not THAT creepy), and mentally 16 daughter-Jamie Lee was the one that was interested, instead of mentally 30-40+ mom-Lindsay. It's definitely different from the other versions.

Then there's the parts that are REALLY depressing. Remember how I said "the song's aren't memorable"? Well there's an exception, and that's "parent's lie." The daughter in the mom's body is out for a walk with her little brother, who's an innocent little boy with big dreams of being a magician. Then it's this song about how parents lie to make their children feel safe, and that the world is far meaner and dangerous than they're led to believe, and his dreams will never come true. Uhhhhhhhhhh...yeah, that's what we want in our musicals. The fact that I was watching a sing along version made things even worse. Like, "hey kids, sing along to this song about how your parents lie to you," just feels weird. Then at the end when they think they're going to switch back but then don't, both of them have the realization that their lives are ruined. The daughter realizes that she just missed out on being a young adult and all those formative life experiences, and the mom realizes she's going to have to go through all the difficult adolescent development experiences again. I think the daughter says something like "my life just flashed before my eyes and there was nothing," and the mom says something like "all those things that were so hard the first time, I'm going to have to do again." That was an unexpected turn. All turns out OK in the end and they switch back, but it's still a "this isn't a place I was thinking a Disney Channel movie would take me."

This movie is terrible, and if you want a GOOD Freaky Friday movie I'd say stick to the 2003 version. I do recommend this though, because it is fascinating. Unlike the other soulless cash grab remakes Disney has been making recently, this definitely was someone saying "I have a unique take on this story, and I want to make it." It's not a GOOD take, but you definitely can't say "this is just the 2003 movie with different actors and updated references."

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1 /10


Warning: Spoilers

I had no clue this movie would be a musical. If this movie was a musical then they should have told us that. Otherwise, The acting was terrible and the way they switched bodies was completely garbage.

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1 /10

A parody of the previous versions

The version with Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis was awesome and this was like a parody. Goes to show how even a concept that is been tried and tested and successful can be an epic failure in the wrong hands!

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5 /10

Moderately Okay

This movie is okay. It's not as cringe-worthy as you guys are making it seem. Gosh, ever seen the Gummibar movie? Putting the original movie aside, it's not that bad.

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2 /10

Horrible remake

Considering the history of this movie and the quality of the remakes, this one lets down its legacy. The basis is there, but it's just bad. Not to mention they didn't explain that it was a musical, so the random breaks into song were completely confusing.

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2 /10

Another Horrible Terrible Disgusting Waste of Life

Warning: Spoilers

Thank god I haven't watched it, but I've been seeing the Trailer of this Remake Movie, but I Realized to solve something, it's Full of Diseased Cancer. I mean, Cozi Zuelsfdorff and Jason Maybaum are both Good Actors, but I'm afraid this Remake Garbage is always Goofing off REALLY Terrible, and Annoying as Crap, and never Mentioned it was also a Musical, I still Love Comedy, but I hate the way that is Very Annoying and making us look baldy and uninspired which makes me Very Sad and Depressed. I'm like, WTH Disney Channel

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2 /10

Must See For All The WRONG Reasons

The Mouse House is in a death spin and this GARBAGE Disney Channel flick is another video nail in the coffin...Putrid music, lyrics, and overall dismal sound mixing make this a MUST SEE for all film students...Walt is spinning in his grave!

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3 /10


Autotune. I HATE autotune. A lot. Now I'm just adding stuff so my review's long enough to post.

She just said "I've got perfect pitch". Then why does she need autotune??

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Disney Freaky Friday 2018 Full Movie 123movies

Source: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7631348/reviews

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